
Interview “Economic Forecast For World Events”. Part 2

Economic Forecast For World Events. Part 2
By DailyCelestial
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But ... even in times of crisis, you can find something good. The crisis is made of a strong energy that not everyone can handle. The crisis makes it possible to understand who is ready for the arrival of changes and who is not.

The crisis is a test of endurance.

During the crisis, there are always problems with food, shortages and queues are possible. Not everyone still believes that the economy may collapse. Especially those who have money in their pockets, real estate, and cars. But this is just a temporary illusion.

Because the main fundamental factor in the economy is the oversaturation of goods and there is no demand for them. At first, prices will rise markedly, but then sharply and strongly they will fall.

This will not happen overnight and will continue until it balances out. This is the right time to get rid of unnecessary assets.

It is not necessary to have tickets from some bank, but money, cash in your pocket and a supply of food.

Now the triggering events can be the resistance of Turkey and Greece, the aggravation of relations between China and India, Iraq and Iran and etc. It's not a secret that when economic relations between countries suffer, military solutions are launched.

This period is very "hot" for small wars, the consequence of which is a fall in prices for exchange rates.

Predicting the future, I can firmly say that the demand for the dollar will rise, and the Euro will fall, just like the local currency of the third world countries. In September - 90 Rubles per dollar in Russia may seem like a normal purchase.

But even with such events, you need to try to stand firmly on your own two feet. You need to be quick, courageous, and prepared for upcoming shifts. Be ready to incorporate sharp changes in the exchange rate into your business projects. This advice is important for those who work with the import / export of goods.

In the economy, import dependence is one of the important components.

There are many memes circulating on the Internet that 2020 has already surprised in many ways. But 2021 will be no less wonderful for events. I understand perfectly well that buying a new car is a waste of money now. Why buy a car for 3,000,000 rubles if you can wait a little and buy for 1,000,000 rubles and even less in dollars.

This is a very striking example of oversupply. The number of cars and apartments that have already been made will not be dispersed soon. We will follow the scenario of 1929, when there was the Great Depression, which provoked unemployment for about 25% of the population.

A striking example of this is happening in Spain today. This country has announced the renewal of all roads in order to attract people to self-employment. They did this so that the people would not riot.

The topic "COVID-19" should subside closer to the beginning of October.

The authorities will begin to seriously engage in raising the level of the economy. The economy has gone through a good cycle, now winter is entering its rights and will show who is ready for the change. After that, a cool spring will come, which will bring relaxation.

Forecaster Timur Garipov and Daily Celestial Team

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