
Download your
Daily Celestial App

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The Daily Celestial APP is a forecasting tool that helps you navigate your daily activities.
Forecaster Timur Garipov along with Daily Celestial invested many years of research in the area of individuals’ biorhythms, mathematics, and astrology.  The outcome is the product about You. 
Our team is striving for improvement, so a new version of the application is expected in the near future, in which Timur Garipov will be accompanied by the Daily Celestial wellness coach Nika Helge.
The well-being of a person directly depends on his health. Wellness coach Nika Helge has been making people healthier for over 10 years through sports, nutrition and great motivation. Through the Daily Celestial app, she will help you set and achieve your personal goals. Also, she will teach you how to correctly prioritize on the path to your health improvement.
Daily Celestial APP is a personal product about you and for you!
The main purpose of the app is to “improve your well-being”. The Daily Celestial mobile app will provide users with daily predictions and recommendations. As you know, some days are favorable for business or physical activity, while other days require the necessary rest. The Daily Celestial APP will help you align plans and goals with predictable propositions and boost your well-being.


In order to use our Daily Celestial App, please follow the links located at the top of the website and install our Application(App). After downloading our App, we ask you to provide us with the following information: Name, Date of Birth, Time of Birth, City of Birth and Country of Birth.

Complimentary Calendar

As soon as all the needed information is filled out you will be transferred to your Daily Celestial calendar. Daily Celestial Calendar is a complimentary calendar that helps you quickly check good and bad days in a month. With its help, you will see which days are strongest for you and which are best to leave for self-development, recovering your strength


In our App you can also request a personal detailed reading on the dates that you are interested in the most. You can do this by clicking a Plus button located on the menu in the bottom and selecting the dates and categories in which the reading will be needed to be done. Your Daily Celestial personalized reading request will be complete by Daily Celestial Team and the forecaster Timur Garipov I am a practical and enthusiastic person. For more than 10 years I have been engaged in research activities in the field of astrology and mathematics, as well as the study of human biorhythms.
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. Utilizing biorythmology and modern mathematical modeling your personalized reading will provide needed guidance. Daily Celestial application will notify you as soon as the reading is completed.


You can find requested reading at the right bottom corner of the App. This is a chance for you to understand and optimize personal opportunities at a certain point in time, protect yourself from problems - or smooth out sharp corners in order to reduce the scale of the consequences.

In these simple steps, you will have the opportunity to understand yourself and get the right advice in a time of crisis in order for you to make the right decision in the future. The Daily Celestial team will be here to help you!

Contact Details

Please find below contact details and contact us today!

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Daily Celestial App

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Contact Us


I met Timur at the end of January 2020, and we discussed the current situation with the economy, coming crisis and its influence on the stock market and Ruble. I’m quite a conservative person and usually take time to think over important decisions. I was so impressed by Timur’s forecast that I sold all my shares the next day and bought USD. Then many things happened to both the stock market index and USD/Ruble exchange rate, and I am thankful to Timur who helped me to save the money. I will continue our cooperation to understand the right time to return to the stock market.

Alex Zubkov
Head of Department of Logistic Company, Investor



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