
Why Do You Need Daily Celestial?

Daily Celestial helps in critical issues
By DailyCelestial
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Daily Celestial gives you an opportunity to find out your personal periods. Knowledge of these periods will help you:

  • Understand what level you are currently at favorable, crisis, neutral-favorable, neutral-tense.
  • You can determine the duration of the problem: is your condition problematic or is it just a short circuit.
  • You can choose more suitable periods for treatment or therapy. Prepare for personal seasonal breakdowns.
  • If you are engaged in a business/project: you can assess the probability of enterprise success.
  • Many things to measure/evaluate / plan.

A little bit of history ...
There was a recent order. Well, not so recent, in 2017 it seems as if it was yesterday. Request to determine the success of clients’ idea. Regarding the idea, everything was already in the process and working.

I predicted the schemes, and I worked out everything diligently. The process of their idea was the following: the guys bought video cards for 30 cartoons, also, bought bitcoins. 

I understood their idea and began to evaluate the perspective of the bitcoin. Through force, but uttered - that the project is rather a failure. Back then, Bitcoin was a boom, now it is not so perceived.

Got feedback from them, they said that they don’t like the forecast: their project has a future, and I am an old conservative, and other epithets. Bitcoin never succeeded, as well as their project. Enough time has passed, and the topic and project have long been closed by the guys.

The moral of this story: Everyone wants a positive outlook, but we are not selling chocolate bars here! 

Success is: when you have “planets” converging with periods + enough experience + the right time. 

There are so many such examples in various fields, that one can start business training for others! We have been given life and it’s great! It is special in its way, with its ups and downs, joys, and emotions.

External attributes will not make us happier. As the sages said: everything is perishable. The true state of happiness is in us. The outer ocean of events is always seething. He is a great teacher, who directs our attention inward - to know ourselves.

If problems can be solved: what is the point of worrying? If they are unsolvable - there is also no use.

Each time, I gratefully return to this idea that behind every dark night in life there comes bright dawn. Thanks for this to Daily Celestial! It has been and always will be!

Forecaster Timur Garipov and Daily Celestial Team

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