
Discipline or motivation

Discipline or motivation. What kind of energy do you need to be guided by?
By DailyCelestial
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Many people are sincerely confident that if they surround themselves with many motivating videos and texts and do not force themselves to do what they do not want, then sooner or later they will still achieve success, and it will take place in their life. Practice, however, shows somewhat different results.

For example, many successful people, before gaining popularity or financial well-being, did not have any special advantages in life and just worked day after day. Because they clearly saw their goal and knew where they were going for. Another example, if you now pay attention to interviews with opinion leaders or wealthy people, you will hear that a single thought comes through all their words about “life's journey” and “finding yourself”. You just need to work stably and efficiently, no matter what mood you are in and how much you want it.

However, let's not be overly categorical, and consider separately: what is motivation, and what is discipline? How do they differ, and what goals should be set in life as a general guide?


Motivation is a certain phenomenon due to which a person receives an incentive to action and, in fact, acts. The main feature of motivation is that it works exclusively through emotions. Unlike discipline, which is more pragmatic and independent of the emotional state of the subject.

The psychology of motivation is direct and reverse. Direct is a motivation for a goal, for example, you can go to the store for a cake because you are emotionally anticipating the taste of it. Therefore, it is not difficult for you to get up from the comfortable sofa and walk 400 or 1000 meters to your favorite pastry shop.

The opposite is the motivation for avoiding something bad, it is also often called an incentive. For example, you can find out that you have not been settled in a hostel, and in an hour you will be a frantic person looking for a job because otherwise, you will simply have nowhere to live for the next academic year.

And again, in this case, you are not making any significant strong-willed efforts for your actions — you are simply trying to avoid undesirable events.

Astrology says that the Moon and the Sun are responsible for motivation. The energy of the moon is the energy that can be obtained from some basic things: heat, housing, satiety, rest, etc. The sun is the energy of spirituality and meaningfulness. The energy of higher orders and higher levels of being.


Discipline, unlike motivation, does not require any emotional investment from a person, since it works exclusively on willpower. Willpower forms outside the emotional centers and is the key difference between humans and animals. Because only a person is capable of performing actions that he does not need to do right here and now.

Astrological experts agree that the energy of Saturn is responsible for the discipline. Children's astrology believes that discipline primarily determined by the rules and restrictions that parents set. Thus, forming in the growing person an idea of ​​what things can be done at his will, and what needs to be done regardless of his mood.

What should you choose?

So what should you choose in the end? How to compare these concepts? The Daily Celestial team recommends using both the energy of the Sun and Moon and the energy of Saturn. That is, to combine motivation and discipline in their activities, then the parenting in the horoscope will be consistent with the rhythms of the Universe.

Let's look at the example of a teenager who wants to go to university. He needs to prepare for exams. If he tries to do this solely on motivation — that is, to study only when he sincerely emotionally wants it. Then, most likely, he will forever postpone the start of work. Perhaps he will skip difficult topics or refuse them altogether. In general, he will not succeed in any systematic studies. If he tries to prepare solely through discipline, then he will very quickly overload and burn out.

For, torturing himself day after day with unbearable and meaningless work, at some point he will generally lose interest in this. And he will get tired so much that no willpower efforts will force him to study further. Thus, you need to be able to harmoniously combine the emotional desire to do something with the will for systematic and not always pleasant work. To educate a child in such a paradigm, discipline in his horoscope can be calculated and suggested to you using a personal forecast that you can receive through your Daily Celestial application.

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