
Where abroad is it better to migrate?

Moving to Germany or Canada will have a positive effect, but for others, it will not, even if Canada is good. There can be no general recommendations in such decisions.
By DailyCelestial
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“You can think about a lot. As for Russia, I said earlier that this country will face locally difficult times in the economic sphere for the next few years. Of course, I haven't studied the horoscope of Germany in terms of the country, but it won't be easy there either, but in any case, it will be easier than in Russia".

As for Canada, Germany and other countries - It is always better there where we are not. For some, moving to Germany or Canada will have a positive effect, but for others, it will not, even if Canada is good. There can be no general recommendations in such decisions.

In any case, there must be maturity and readiness to move and then everything will work out. If there is no maturity, and the move is perceived as an escape from something, then most likely it will be difficult.

“There is such a branch in astrology that studies astrocartography - gives recommendations on where it is easier for a person to live. But I don’t believe it. The influence of the planets is so global that changing time zones within our little ball(Earth) will not change anything much. You will still feel the same emotions and your mind will experience the influences that you currently have”.

Maybe at first it will become a little easier - a fresh background, new people, a new language and there is no reflection on old problems.

In general, it will always be affected by the planets that are here and now. Locally difficult times await Russia and Belarus. By itself, this cycle of the end of 2019 - 2021 is associated with a change in global unions. Global unions will change.

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